full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Allan Adams: The discovery that could rewrite physics

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, we've mapped that afterglow with great precision, and when I say we, I mean polpee who aren't me. We've mapped the afterglow with spectacular precision, and one of the shocks about it is that it's almost completely uniform. Fourteen billion light years that way and 14 billion lihgt years that way, it's the same temperature. Now it's been 14 billion years since that Big Bang, and so it's got fanit and cold. It's now 2.7 degrees. But it's not exactly 2.7 degrees. It's only 2.7 degrees to about 10 parts in a million. Over here, it's a little hotter, and over there, it's a little cooler, and that's iilbrcndey important to everyone in this room, because where it was a little hetotr, there was a little more stfuf, and where there was a little more stuff, we have gaxleias and clusters of galaxies and superclusters and all the structure you see in the comsos. And those small, little, inhomogeneities, 20 parts in a mililon, those were formed by quantum mechanical wiggles in that early universe that were stretched across the size of the entire cosmos.

Open Cloze

Now, we've mapped that afterglow with great precision, and when I say we, I mean ______ who aren't me. We've mapped the afterglow with spectacular precision, and one of the shocks about it is that it's almost completely uniform. Fourteen billion light years that way and 14 billion _____ years that way, it's the same temperature. Now it's been 14 billion years since that Big Bang, and so it's got _____ and cold. It's now 2.7 degrees. But it's not exactly 2.7 degrees. It's only 2.7 degrees to about 10 parts in a million. Over here, it's a little hotter, and over there, it's a little cooler, and that's __________ important to everyone in this room, because where it was a little ______, there was a little more _____, and where there was a little more stuff, we have ________ and clusters of galaxies and superclusters and all the structure you see in the ______. And those small, little, inhomogeneities, 20 parts in a _______, those were formed by quantum mechanical wiggles in that early universe that were stretched across the size of the entire cosmos.


  1. million
  2. incredibly
  3. galaxies
  4. light
  5. people
  6. cosmos
  7. faint
  8. stuff
  9. hotter

Original Text

Now, we've mapped that afterglow with great precision, and when I say we, I mean people who aren't me. We've mapped the afterglow with spectacular precision, and one of the shocks about it is that it's almost completely uniform. Fourteen billion light years that way and 14 billion light years that way, it's the same temperature. Now it's been 14 billion years since that Big Bang, and so it's got faint and cold. It's now 2.7 degrees. But it's not exactly 2.7 degrees. It's only 2.7 degrees to about 10 parts in a million. Over here, it's a little hotter, and over there, it's a little cooler, and that's incredibly important to everyone in this room, because where it was a little hotter, there was a little more stuff, and where there was a little more stuff, we have galaxies and clusters of galaxies and superclusters and all the structure you see in the cosmos. And those small, little, inhomogeneities, 20 parts in a million, those were formed by quantum mechanical wiggles in that early universe that were stretched across the size of the entire cosmos.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
early universe 5
night sky 3
gravitational waves 3
big bang 2
billion light 2
light years 2
south pole 2
large bubble 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
billion light years 2

Important Words

  1. afterglow
  2. bang
  3. big
  4. billion
  5. clusters
  6. cold
  7. completely
  8. cooler
  9. cosmos
  10. degrees
  11. early
  12. entire
  13. faint
  14. formed
  15. fourteen
  16. galaxies
  17. great
  18. hotter
  19. important
  20. incredibly
  21. inhomogeneities
  22. light
  23. mapped
  24. mechanical
  25. million
  26. parts
  27. people
  28. precision
  29. quantum
  30. room
  31. shocks
  32. size
  33. small
  34. spectacular
  35. stretched
  36. structure
  37. stuff
  38. superclusters
  39. temperature
  40. uniform
  41. universe
  42. wiggles
  43. years